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OHESDC visited TechFortWorth (TechFW)

On May 18th, 2023, Dr. Sedthapan Krajangwongs, Minister-Counsellor (Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation), and Ms. Pranaya Junloy, Communication Assistant, met with TechFW in Fort Worth, Texas, a non-profit organization that has been helping entrepreneurs launch and grow emerging technology companies since 1998, to discuss ways to support Thai Startups's access to the US market and investment in Texas. The Minister-Counselor described the missions of Thailand's Global Innovation Club and shared 2 lists of Thai startups (from Chulalongkorn University's spinoff and Thai Startup Trade Association) with TechFW. The team from TechFW showed interest in partnering with Royal Thai Embassy and joining the Global Innovation Club while also sharing information about different incubator and accelerator programs that TechFW runs. OHESDC will be sharing the programs with Thai startups in Thailand and encouraging Thai entrepreneurs to apply and participate in the programs in order to learn more about the US start-up ecosystems.


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